AST 3100 Astrophysical Transients
Prof. Marten van Kerkwijk (mhvk at
Dr. Ziggy Pleunis (ziggy.pleunis at
University of Toronto, Fall 2022
Mondays 02:00 PM in AB113
Thursdays 11:00 AM in AB113
Zoom (see email for passcode)
- Weeks 1—2: Transient phase space and the history of discovery (ZP)
- Slides
- In-class presentation 1 (10%)
- Weeks 3—4: Transient emission mechanisms (MvK)
- Weeks 5—8: Examples
- Weeks 9—10: Missing pieces
- Week 9: Single stars (ZP)
- Week 10: Binary stars (MvK)
- Weeks 11—12: Exploring current and future transients
- Final project (30% + 10%)